Exploring Ice Caves

Every year again: diving into the interior of a glacier.

The Plaine Morte is the largest plateau glacier in the Alps. The name says it all: lots of “dead” ice that hardly moves. The glacier has hardly any crevasses and little tension. This makes it relatively safe to explore the breathtaking interior.

Usually we get into the glacier mills by abseiling. Sometimes we can even move to the rock bottom and find ourselfes between rock and ice like in a subway shaft.

The hidden ice worlds are always an incredible experience. The oppressive feeling of being in the bowels of a glacier gives way to the urge to explore.

I took guests with me for the first time in 2022 with my mountainguide friends Aaron Coulin and Severin Karrer. Our conclusion: In principle, the experience is open to everyone who is not claustrophobic. We are also planning explorations in 2023.

Interested? Then get in touch here.